My Name is Tareq Kirresh. Im a simple man trying to find my way in the universe. I’ve always been a craftsman at heart. Im very passionate about technology, and am especially interested in the fields of Logistics, Emergency Services, and Automation - passions that were imprinted in me from family business and home life. Currently, I am a Software Engineer by trade, and I am working on my master’s degree in software Engineering. Full of energy, empathy, and coffee.

I always enjoyed tinkering around, disassembling and putting stuff back together, ever since I was a kid. My earliest memories were of me in the repair shop at my father’s company - going about the job of polishing up Headsets before they go out to customers, because we don’t ship things half done, then moving up to repair when as soon as they would let me hold a soldering iron. Ive always had pride in my work and my life

Im also a big fan of culinary arts, specifically, in the areas of fermentation, baking, and preservation - this plays nicely with my love of tech, as I find myself often using my tinkering skills to create new tools to help me do those things. Its always fun to spend a weekend in the kitchen, just going at it with new recipes, cures, and techniques.

Im a big open source advocate. I am part of the local Palestinian Open Source Community, and handle organization and professional outreach for the group, In addition to holding the post of director general for the Palestinian IT Society, an industry group of individuals that try to showcase the best of and improve the IT industry in palestine.